Make an Appointment: 972-861-2713 | [email protected]

  • Special Education Consultation & Advocacy

    Do you have students/children who have academic difficulties that may warrant a Special Education evaluation?

    Do you have students/children whose behaviors impede on their overall education?

    Do you have an understanding of the Special Education processes, procedures, laws and or timelines?

    Do you have a student/child who is exhibiting traits of Autism?

    Are you concerned with whether your student/child is receiving their Special Education services at school?

    Do you know what accommodations, modifications, programs, services, etc your student/child is entitled to under the Special Education umbrella?

    Is your student/child in a Behavior Unit or any other restrictive setting?

    Do you know your rights as a parent/caregiver of a Special Education student?

    Do you and your child know your child’s rights as a Special Education student?

    If you answered “YES” to any of the above questions, then Special Education consultation through KEM Wellness, LLC could be the solution you’ve been seeking. Special Educational consultation will help you develop and achieve your goals for academic success with your children/students. Kristina is a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology with the knowledge and expertise to help guide you. Most of time, once the children/students’ difficulties are addressed, they will be more successful academically and at home.